Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Cost (part 1)

The clouds were ominous in the most literal sense as they rolled in a solid line from ocean to shoreline. The water had become air, and the air became water. Along the cost, the masses waited. They would all be dead in a matter of minutes. They knew this without the aid of public advisories, or sensationalist rhetoric. The Mother Earth spake for itself. The floating womb circling her celestial patriarch source of light and the other half of life.

Mother Earth spoke with wind and water, enunciating through seismic vibration as she cleared her volcanic throat and resonated throughout the sky. She said not to worry. That she would be fine. Finally, that she could not say the same for us. These were not the time of the Nephilim. This was not the time of legends and great men. Nor was it the end. It was the cost.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I don't want to say
that I have known too many people.
Have studied them
We intrigue me

I see through them
down the street
in the store
as they say

We do not see one another
only through
of expectation and
jaded lenses of
past experience

I wonder what they
